Professional Training Courses | The Education Advisory Council (EAC)
Enlisted Doctor Society
As part of the AMRAC Education Advisory Council, the Enlisted Doctor Society (EDS) is
comprised of a group of retired and active military enlisted personnel, all in the pay grade of E-
9, the highest enlisted rank attainable who went on to earn a doctorate degree in the discipline of
their choosing.
Facts: Approximately one percent of all enlisted military personnel (1) go on to achieve the E-9
pay grade. Additionally, less than one percent of enlisted personnel go on to attain an accredited
earned doctorate degree (2). As a result, AMRAC values these noncommissioned officers and
veterans as senior advisors for junior military members and veterans who seek to attain higher
levels of educational accomplishment. The EDS is dedicated to public service and counseling
without compensation. EDS members will serve voluntarily as counselors when called upon.
The goal of the AMRAC Education Advisory Council is to expand the enlisted doctor society
to include all current and former enlisted personnel (regardless of rank) who attain earned
doctorates and utilize their skills as volunteer education mentors and advisors. Current members
of the Education Advisory Council can be contacted by any aspiring members for inclusion in
the EDS network.
EDS associates, with approval of their academic institution (and remaining within American
Council on Education standards) are encouraged to wear a distinctive insignia on any doctoral
graduation regalia to distinguish themselves and to inspire undergraduates to continue their
educational goals.
1, 2. Source- the United States Army demographic statistics, Headquarters, Department of the Army- 2012